Hello everyone!
I just thought I'd touch base as it's been a while. 2017 has been an interesting year in the Lyme world with more publicity for Lyme and some small, but positive steps with regard to advocacy.
Firstly, we saw the establishment of the G. Magnotta Lyme Disease Research Lab at the University of Guelph this year, with a $1.4 million grant from the government. I had been waiting for this announcement for a couple of years. The last I had heard, it was supposed to be in conjunction with the Humber River Hospital, but apparently that plan fell through. I am glad to see this partnership established and look forward to hearing about their research.
Secondly, we saw some baby steps towards progress in conversations between a particular Lyme advocacy group and the federal government. Sue Faber and Jennifer Kravis call themselves LymeHope, and they had a very successful campaign to collect and deliver 2 700 letters from Lyme sufferers all over Canada to then Health Minister Jane Philpott. Click on the LymeHope link to read more about their story and what is in store. I was pleased to be one of the 2 700 people to tell my story to the Health Minister. Thank you so much, Sue and Jennifer, for your tireless effort!
This year, we saw Lori Dennis, a psychotherapist from Toronto, promote her new book, Lyme Madness. The book recounts her son's harrowing journey to heal from Lyme, but in addition, she does a fabulous job explaining the roadblocks we face in Canada with regard to our medical system. All of your questions about the madness of this situation will be answered in her book. Her book also includes dozens of accounts from Lyme sufferers in Canada. I was so pleased to have my personal story included in her book. This book is a fantastic read and I highly encourage everyone to get a copy!
I have spent some time updating a few things on my blog. If you check out my Books tab above, I have added several new books to the list. More is being written about Lyme every year it seems, and "famous" Lyme sufferers are coming out of the woodwork, with several publishing their Lyme stories.
I have also added an update to the My Lyme Story tab above. If you scroll down to the end, there is some information about what's been going on with me the past couple of years. Every day is a struggle, but through those struggles, I have come to better understand God's blessings in my life.
I'm praying for you all, and hoping for a better future for all of us Lyme sufferers in Canada.