Welcome to my blog! This is a place of information and hope for fellow Canadians who are suffering from Lyme disease. I want to share with you the knowledge I have gained during my fight with this debilitating, frightening, and misunderstood illness. I hope you will be blessed.

Monday, October 02, 2017

Overcoming Insomnia

Insomnia has to be one of the most brutal symptoms of Lyme disease, and so many of us suffer from it.  Prior to 2011, when my Lyme disease appeared, I never EVER had a problem sleeping.  But it has been a struggle for 6 long years now.

Some Lyme sufferers can't sleep, while others sleep too much!  How bizarre is that?  All I can say to that is that Lyme messes with our brain chemistry - hormones, neurotransmitters, cortisol, etc. - and creates a problematic situation that is not easily resolved.  In addition, we might end up with thyroid or mitochondrial issues that can worsen our fatigue.

I encourage you to work with your doctor, naturopath, and LLMD to do whatever it takes to get you sleeping.  Sleep is crucial to healing.  I have had some success with the use of melatonin, 5-HTP, and zopiclone, but there are many more options out there.  Gabapentin was disastrous for me and it took me a very long time to wean off of it due to severe withdrawal symptoms.  Every person is an individual and what works for one may not work for another.  Experiment with various supplements, and if necessary, prescription medication.  But I highly recommend that you do this under the guidance of an experienced medical professional who can help you with dosing and drug interactions.

Here are a few resources to help you in your quest for a decent night's sleep:

1. ProHealth, "Five Supplements I Use to Cope With Insomnia"

2. Connie Strasheim, Beyond a Glass of Milk and a Hot Bath  (Kindle edition)

3. Dr. Marty Ross, Sleep in Lyme Disease  (Dr. Marty Ross' articles require a subscription to his online Lyme book, but it is well worth the money!  He provides an enormous amount of invaluable information on his website.)