As I watched the short video, it reminded me of my days as a caregiver to my husband who had cancer, which I wrote about a few posts ago. The stats for my husband's cancer were not in his favour, and neither were Heather Von St. James' stats. But we should never place our hope in statistics or the odds, because only God knows how things will play out, and in fact, the Bible states that the outcome is completely in His control.
And I wouldn't want it any other way!
Does this mean that the results will always be favourable? No, not always. Are our prayers always answered? Yes! But not always in the way we want. Regardless, my husband and I trusted God through our illnesses to sustain us, give us courage, provide medical care, and lead us down the right path. But had He decided that it was time to call us home, well, as scary as that might seem, we were ready for that, too. Submitting our lives to Him in our suffering gave us the ultimate peace and hope that we needed.
Dear Lyme sufferers, don't lose hope! The road may be long, winding, bumpy, and sometimes scary, but there is always hope and a Heavenly Father who cares.
Thank you, Heather and Cameron, for sharing your story. May you be blessed with many more years of good health. To visit Heather's blog, click here.