Lyme disease CAN be managed! Whether or not it can be truly 'beaten' remains to be seen and to be researched. But it IS possible to recover and live a normal life again. Sometimes, it takes years, but it CAN happen.
Do not give up hope!
Here is a great article that I read on So encouraging. So uplifting. I love how the 14 year old girl, and the 20 year old woman (both the same person!) are juxtaposed. So well done. So effective.
TOUCHED BY LYME: 20-year-old’s advice to her 14-year-old self: “You gotta have hope” 1st May 2012

Yet, out of her pain and misery, Rachel created a gift that has just recently resurfaced. In March 2006, she spoke to a video camera about how she was feeling and her frustrations with doctors who refused to recognize that Lyme disease even exists in California. It is a visual record of a young teenager trying to make sense of her desperate situation. Her demeanor seems calm, but if you study it closely, you can see the fear and vulnerability trembling below the surface.
But here’s the twist. Last weekend, after she re-discovered her earlier footage, Rachel recorded her present, healthy, walking self, responding to the same questions her younger self had answered. She edited the old and new together, cutting back and forth between 2006 Rachel and 2012 Rachel.
Together, the two Rachels have valuable wisdom to impart. Take a look:
Rachel currently attends college in northern California.
TOUCHED BY LYME is written by Dorothy Kupcha Leland,’s VP for Education and Outreach. Contact her at